Instant Money offers eligible customers the option to take loans over and above their existing RAKBANK Credit Card limit based on the customer's current salary.
The amount is to be repaid in equal monthly instalments.
Take out an Instant Money loan today and benefit from a one-time processing fee of 1% on the loan amount and an interest rate of 2% reducing balance per month.
Get this loan with no salary transfer required, at competitive interest rates (calculated using your average daily balance) and flexible repayment of up to 48 months for expatriate salaried customers.
You can take this loan up to 10 times your salary (income proof required). This amount can also be above your existing credit limit.
You can always top-up your Instant Money loan if you need to. This option is available for all existing Instant Money customers.
Your Instant Money loan is subject to the bank's approval and will be issued within 3 business days of signing the application form and submitting the required documents.
These required documents include:
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