Register to access banking at your fingertips
Activate your card via the RAKBANK App
Set up your preferred card PIN using the RAKBANK App
Check your RAKBANK credit card outstanding due using the RAKBANK App
Pay bills instantly using the RAKBANK App
Send money internationally via RAKMoneyTransfer
Update your Emirates ID using the RAKBANK App
Card-less cash withdrawal using MobileCash
Request a new cheque book using the RAKBANK App
Easily register for RAKToken using the RAKBANK App
Generate a RAKToken code using the RAKBANK App
Deregister for RAKToken using the RAKBANK App
Block your card temporarily or permanently using the RAKBANK App
Unblock your RAKBANK card using the RAKBANK App
Request a Duplicate Statement using the RAKBANK App
Bill Payments
RAKToken Registration
RAKToken Code Generation
RAKToken Deregistration
Debit Card PIN Retrieval
Block Your Debit Card
Unblock Your Debit Card
RAKBANK Business Mobile App Registration
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Discover the RAKBANK App and enjoy cutting-edge Digital Banking services at your fingertips. Seamlessly manage your accounts, conduct secure transactions, and enjoy a range of innovative features – all in one user-friendly platform.